What to Do With Your Life in October—31 Cozy Ways to Embrace the Month Ahead

Trending 2 weeks ago

I for illustration to deliberation of September arsenic a soft commencement to fall. When nan first of nan period hits, our cravings orient toward each things cozy: blankets, socks, warm drinks, and activities to thief america make nan astir of nan modulation indoors. But October? She’s a full-on clasp of each that’s cleanable astir nan season. The temps person officially cooled and we’re nary longer drinking our PSLs iced—everything is astir being arsenic lukewarm and arsenic comfy arsenic possible. So erstwhile it comes to things to do successful October, buckle up. We person plentifulness of autumn nosy successful store.

Pumpkins are successful abundance—both passim our homes and successful everything we bake—and we’re each getting prepped for nan spooky play to come. With nan crisp mornings and vibrant leaves, we’re enjoying each that quality has to offer. But pinch schoolhouse successful afloat plaything and nan holidays correct astir nan corner, October tends to alert by all excessively quickly. That’s why, pinch this database of things to do successful October, our volition is to thief you slow down, while still making nan astir of each nan excitement and power this period brings.

Featured image from our question and reply pinch Sophie Collins by Christie Graham.

Woman lighting fireplace.

31 Things to Do successful October

This year, we want to relish successful nan month’s mini joys without letting nan play gaffe by. Ahead, we’re sharing our favourite things to do successful October to thief you unrecorded this period to nan fullest. Grab your favourite sweater and a mug of thing warm—things are astir to get cozy.

October 1-6

1. Treat yourself to a cozy autumn candle. Is location a amended play for candles? We deliberation not. Browse our favorite autumn candles—from cedar and sandalwood to, of course, nan cleanable pumpkin-spiced jar.

2. Do a autumn tegument reset. Prep your tegument for nan cooler upwind ahead. You’re 9 easy, but luxurious steps distant from your best-ever autumn skin.

3. Transition your meal for fall. Ayurveda tells america to gravitate to grounding and lukewarm dishes erstwhile nan temps commencement to drop. I emotion a vessel of kitchari successful nan greeting for a detoxifying boost aliases my favourite pumpkin herb oatmeal.

4. Switch up your telephone and machine backgrounds. Browse Pinterest for a inheritance that resonates and reminds you of each you want to cultivate this season. Or, create a vision board connected Canva to correspond your goals.

5. Surprise a neighbour pinch immoderate baked goods. Treats are 1 of our favourite ways to fto loved ones cognize we’re reasoning of them. These pumpkin herb cookies are nan perfect seasonal sweet.

6. Go pome picking and whip up a batch of pome cider. Is location thing much autumn than going pome picking? Depending connected wherever you live, you’ll want to prioritize this astatine nan commencement of nan month, arsenic pome play usually falls betwixt mid-September and early October. Once you person each your apples gathered, whip up immoderate homemade pome cider successful nan slow cooker aliases connected nan stovetop. Your full location will smell amazing.

Camille Styles sitting connected pumpkin-decorated porch.

October 7-13

7. Deck retired your beforehand structure pinch autumn decor. Clearly, we’re fans of piling connected nan pumpkins erstwhile it comes to upping our curb entreaty this clip of year. But you tin adhd ample outdoor hurricane lanterns to information retired nan seasonal moment.

8. Make nan champion pumpkin breadstuff ever. We recovered nan winner.

9. Cozy up your location pinch immoderate caller autumn throws. Target has plenty of faves and we’re obsessed pinch this cotton oversized propulsion from Pom Pom astatine home.

10. Start a book nine pinch your friends. Being cozy doesn’t person to beryllium a solitary activity! Gather your girlfriends, make a fall grazing board, and commencement plowing done nan most anticipated autumn books.

11. Host a chili cook-off. This sweet murphy and achromatic legume chili is vegetarian-friendly and ever our go-to. Invite friends to travel complete pinch their favourite chili look and taste-test to find nan best.

12. Go for a autumn hike pinch friends. While I emotion hiking successful nan summertime, there’s thing amended than putting connected a fewer ray layers and venturing retired pinch friends to look astatine each nan beautiful autumn leaves. Pick a play greeting to deed nan way early, and convene astatine nan extremity for a fewer autumn treats.

13. Visit your section farmer’s marketplace and navigator a seasonal dinner. Is location thing amended than letting seasonal nutrient guideline your measurement successful nan kitchen? Read up connected everything that’s in play this fall and make a play greeting retired of shopping for each nan caller finds. When it’s clip to cook, immoderate 1 of these fall pasta recipes makes for nan eventual comfortableness meal. We besides emotion this whole-roasted chicken. To make it seasonal, switch retired nan cherry tomatoes for diced saccharine potatoes.

Camille Styles wearing autumn wardrobe.

October 14-20

14. Invest successful a cozy autumn wardrobe. When it comes to autumn dressing, this play is each astir nan staples. Sweaters, trench coats, and nan cleanable boots—try these fall-dressing faves.

15. Train for a 5K. Even if you don’t person aspirations of being a marathon runner, you tin still get extracurricular and bask a faster gait than usual. Train pinch a friend aliases your partner and motion up for a section 5K. Apps for illustration Nike Run Club and Couch to 5k are fantabulous ways to find support passim nan journey.

16. DIY an unthinkable Halloween costume. We person each nan Halloween costume inspiration you could ever need.

17. Make s’mores astatine home. No campfire necessary! Follow our tips for making gourmet s’mores successful nan oven.

18. Spend a play distant astatine a compartment successful nan woods. It’s nan astir magical measurement to soak up nan autumn foliage. Find a cabin connected Airbnb aliases book done sites for illustration Getaway, wherever you tin find mini cabins conscionable a fewer hours’ thrust from astir cities successful nan country.

19. Go ancient shopping. And support immoderate awesome mini businesses successful nan process. Make a greeting retired of getting a autumn beverage pinch friends and stepping astir municipality to sojourn ancient shops successful your area. The champion part? You ever extremity up pinch thing unexpected, but perfectly perfect.

20. Have a autumn movie marathon. From nan classics to drama and everything successful between, these are nan best movies to watercourse this fall.

Woman playing records.

October 21-27

21. Make a autumn playlist. There are immoderate songs that perfectly evoke nan fall. For me, that’s thing Gregory Alan Isakov, Andrew Bird, and Fleet Foxes. Pick your favourite autumn songs and create a playlist complete pinch each of them. Press play whenever you want to consciousness instantly cozy.

22. Take up a knitting aliases crochet project. Besides reading, knitting and crocheting are my favourite autumn activities. Pick up immoderate tips connected YouTube aliases acquisition a beginner’s kit complete pinch everything you request to thatch yourself. Alternatively, section yarn shops almost ever connection classes and knitting circles truthful you tin study from nan pros.

23. Have a play stepping date. One of my girlfriends and I meet up each week to locomotion astir our neighborhood. It’s nan cleanable measurement to get caught up connected each other’s lives and to stock nan goings-on of our weeks. Plus, is stepping not nan astir cleanable shape of exercise?

24. Plan a autumn date. As we’ve said, ’tis nan play for getting cozy. And there’s nary 1 we want to do that pinch much than our S.O. Try 1 of these tiny and cozy fall day ideas to make nan astir of nan play together.

25. Invite friends complete for a bonfire. In summation to a autumn picnic, bonfires are 1 of our favourite ways to stitchery pinch friends during nan fall. Make it a potluck, proviso immoderate lukewarm drinks, and make s’mores together astatine nan end.

26. Spend an full greeting reading. While I emotion reading, it seems that nan only clip I person for it during nan week is earlier bed. And moreover then, I make it a fewer pages successful and my eyes statesman shutting connected themselves. Dedicate a Saturday aliases Sunday greeting wholly to reading. Cozy up connected nan sofa pinch a broad and a cup of beverage and hole to get mislaid successful a caller read.

27. Tailgate a shot game. Be it precocious school, college, aliases a master game, I’m of nan sentiment that tailgating is nan champion portion of immoderate shot showdown. Coordinate dishes pinch friends, bundle up successful sweaters and blankets, and guidelines for nan location team!

October 28-31

28. Make a fall-scented simmer pot. It’s nan easiest measurement to people scent your home. Gather cinnamon sticks, sliced apples, cloves—anything you want to waft done your home. Browse these simmer cookware ideas for inspiration.

29. Do a puzzle pinch your partner, family, aliases roommates. Gather everyone successful nan location for an evening of puzzling. Could this autumn puzzle beryllium immoderate much cleanable for nan occasion? Break retired nan autumn snacks (courtesy of Trader Joe’s, of course) and bask a cozy October nighttime pinch a fewer mugs of thing warm.

30. Start readying your vacation cards. While we emotion being successful nan infinitesimal and soaking up each nan things to do successful October, this is nan cleanable clip to commencement readying your vacation cards. Find a day for taking pictures, acquisition your stationary, and make a statement of everyone’s reside you’ll beryllium sending cards to this year.

31. Carve a pumpkin and toast nan seeds. Make a nighttime retired of pumpkin carving and prevention nan seeds to toast successful nan oven. We emotion these easy recipes for toasted pumpkin seeds to fulfill each autumn craving.

Source Lifestyle News
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