What Can I Expect From Nutrition Coaching? (5 Benefits)

Trending 10 months ago

So you’re willing successful nutrition coaching?

Great! It’s a smart move for nan correct person. 

I’ve seen nan powerfulness of it firsthand successful our Online Coaching Program, pinch folks making mini nutrition adjustments pinch large results.

But earlier you spell and prosecute a nutrition coach, publication this guide!

You see, successful galore places “nutritionist” is an unregulated term, truthful not each nutrition coaches you find will beryllium arsenic qualified.

So let’s show you what to look retired for and whether you moreover need a nutrition coach to get started.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

Let’s do this thang.

What Does a Nutrition Coach Do?

Lego cook cooking sushi and food successful nan kitchen.

Nutrition coaches guideline people’s dietary habits to amended their health, assemblage composition, aliases diversion performance.

To do this correctly, a nutrition coach will request to cognize nan subject behind:

  • How different macronutrients (protein, fat, and carbs) impact nan quality body.
  • Calories, metabolism, and power balance.
  • The vitamins and minerals recovered successful our food.

In a nutshell, a bully nutrition coach will cognize really to decently nourish nan quality body.

They tin astir apt besides show you a small spot astir nuts and their shells!

A Pirate Ape doing a rim changeable connected drums

But being an master successful nutrition subject is only half of it. The different half is people.

Yep, a nutrition coach besides needs to beryllium an master connected folks for illustration us. Otherwise, it’s difficult to thief group create caller habits.

Because sure, a chickenhearted crockery for meal could beryllium a smart move.

But really do you make that realistic for personification for illustration Mason, who’s perpetually moving and studying?

That’s wherever a coach comes in.

To beryllium done well, nutrition coaching needs to see “behavior change,” which enters nan realm of psychology.

So a nutrition coach needs to beryllium an master connected 2 things:

  • Nutrition science
  • People

Without nan 2nd bullet, you’re conscionable handing retired bully proposal that nary 1 will ever use. 

"I don't want it."

Before we spell on, I will mention that done NF Coaching, we not only activity connected nutrition. But we besides thief build sustainable workout programs too! The extremity is really to travel astatine fittingness from each angle, including exercise, nutrition, and mindset. We’ve learned this is nan cardinal to making changes that LAST.

If you’d for illustration to study much astir it, you tin scope retired our programme correct here:

Okay, let’s talk a small much astir really a nutrition coach tin help.

How Can a Nutrition Coach Help Me?

A LEGO being washed by an elephant

There are each sorts of things a nutrition coach tin thief america with. 

For example, a bully nutrition coach will provide:


This is 1 of nan apical reasons group prosecute a coach successful nan first place. When we study those who subordinate NF Coaching, it’s often nan number 1 logic folks subordinate nan program.

That’s because knowing what to do is 1 thing. Doing it is rather another.

When we’re accountable to personification else, whether it’s a coach aliases moreover a friend who’s connected a akin mission, we’re much apt to travel through.

Spider Man saying "They're Counting On Me"

Heck, it’s 1 of nan reasons Rebel Leader Steve has a spot coach, contempt moving a fittingness company.

Here’s what Steve says astir it:

I cognize erstwhile my coach asks maine astir my workout, I don’t want to fto him down. So I conscionable do nan workout.

The aforesaid accountability tin hap pinch nutrition.

For example, if we make a plan for repast prep connected Sunday afternoon, we’re much apt to do it if we cognize our coach will inquire astir it connected Monday.

Accountability tin often beryllium nan missing portion for starting long-lasting change. 


It’s really easy to spell online and find a bunch of free recipes for patient meals.

For example, present are 26 specified recipes.

While these recipes tin beryllium a awesome starting point, they often won’t thief pinch individual challenges:

  • What if we don’t person immoderate clip to cook?
  • What if we person to woody pinch nutrient allergies?
  • What if we want to eat nan aforesaid meal arsenic our family?

That’s wherever nan thief of a coach tin beryllium a game-changer.

They tin connection circumstantial recommendations astir our unsocial challenges (and we each person unsocial challenges). Plus, they tin cheque successful pinch america to make judge their solutions are working.

If those solutions aren’t working for america – nbd. They’ll brainstorm caller strategies we tin implement.

This personalized solution tin beryllium very adjuvant if we haven’t had overmuch occurrence pinch a “right retired of nan box” approach.


I mentioned earlier that a nutrition coach needs to beryllium an master connected quality nutrition.

This is helpful, truthful we don’t person to interest about:

  • Is Keto nan champion strategy for weight loss?
  • Why person truthful galore group had occurrence pinch Paleo?
  • How does OMAD fresh into this?

"I'm confused" segment from Home Alone 2

While it’s bully to beryllium funny astir different diets, a nutrition coach tin thief abstracted truth from fabrication erstwhile it comes to healthy eating

Otherwise, we mightiness get tricked into following immoderate unspeakable “crash diet” or immoderate societal media “fad diet.”


Most group attack due nutrition astir “what to eat.” Just arsenic important, however, tin beryllium “how to eat.”

For example, a nutrition coach tin thief america create skills around:

  • Eating mindfully and slowly. Our bodies return a while to admit it’s full. That’s why slowing down and concentrating connected our meals tin help pinch information control. Some skills that mightiness thief see utilizing a repast timer, putting nan fork down betwixt bites, and eating without nan TV aliases our telephone (i.e., nary distractions). 
  • Recognizing hunger and fullness cues. Sometimes, we eat conscionable to eat. Maybe we’re much saturated than hungry. Maybe we’re stressed and find ourselves emotionally eating. To thief conflict this, we tin support a “Hunger and Fullness Journal.” With our journal, we complaint our hunger from 1 to 10 earlier eating anything. If it’s little than 6 aliases 7, possibly we region for 30 minutes aliases truthful and cheque backmost successful later. It’s nan aforesaid thought for our fullness. We’ll region during nan repast truthful we tin inquire “How quiet americium I still?” If our hunger has subsided, possibly we prevention nan remainder of our nutrient for later. The extremity is to get to cognize our body’s hunger signals again.
  • Creating a schedule for meals. Most group do champion pinch eating connected immoderate type of routine. Breakfast, lunch, and meal astatine astir nan aforesaid time. Our assemblage will prime up connected this and people get quiet astatine nan times we usually eat. 

In our Online Coaching Program, we’ll often delegate missions to activity connected a “how to eat” accomplishment for nan week:

  • “This week, really astir we put down our fork betwixt bites?”
  • “What if our adjacent ngo is to eat without nan TV on?”
  • “How do you consciousness astir having meal astatine nan aforesaid clip this week?”

These missions are discussed and built betwixt nan coach and client, truthful we tin custom-make nan champion scheme for you! After a fewer months of this, it tin beryllium astonishing conscionable really different our eating habits look.

A canine eating a fancy dinner


One of our caput coaches is fond of saying “The concealed to our programme is we build semipermanent patient habits together.”

Sure, it’s awesome if personification tin activity retired 2x a week and eat patient lunches each time for a month.

But it’s moreover BETTER if they tin do it for nan foreseeable future.

The quality betwixt nan two? 

Making them semipermanent habits.

A wont is thing we do each nan time, without overmuch thought. Like bruising our teeth successful nan greeting aliases showering astatine night.

We want our patient eating behaviors to subordinate this mix.

If a twelvemonth from now, we’re still practicing nan actions our nutrition coach recommended, past we’ll telephone that a awesome win.

Hiring a nutrition coach tin absolutely be worthy nan finance if we proceed our patient habits aft our clip together is over. 

Next, let’s talk astir what separates a dietitian from a nutritionist. 

What Is nan Difference Between a Dietitian and a Nutritionist?

A LEGO expert successful a cape, who knows really to dainty DOMS.

The large quality betwixt a “dietitian” and a “nutritionist” is nan general acquisition required and nan regulations that govern nan usage of nan title. 

While they some person their clip and place, it’s important to understand nan quality betwixt nan two:

  • Dietitians dainty illness done nutrition and will often activity wrong hospitals. For example, they mightiness prescribe a fare to a diligent pinch glucosuria to thief negociate humor sweetener levels. They’ll apt clasp nan title of Registered Dietitian (RD).
  • Nutritionists activity pinch nan wide organization to create patient eating behavior, often to meet a client’s individual goal. You mightiness perceive them referred to arsenic a “Nutrition Coach.”

Throughout astir of nan world, nan title of “dietitian” is regulated by a governing body, for illustration nan Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics successful nan United States.[1]

While immoderate states and countries do modulate nan title of “nutritionist,” nan requirements are often acold little rigorous. 

Here’s different measurement to deliberation of it: all “Dietitians” tin apt telephone themselves “Nutritionists” but not each “Nutritionists” tin telephone themselves “Dietitians.”

To go a dietitian successful nan US you request to:

  • Earn an accredited bachelor’s aliases master’s degree
  • Complete an internship
  • Pass nan Commission connected Dietetic Registration (CDR) exam
  • Obtain nan due authorities license
  • Maintain said authorities license

What does it return to go a nutritionist?

Well, depending connected wherever you live, it could beryllium nothing.

Yep, you could people a business paper pinch “nutritionist” connected it and get to work.

Now, obviously, there’s a large quality betwixt calling yourself a nutritionist and really helping people.

The expert from nan Simpsons


However, that doesn’t mean a nutrition coach can’t beryllium beneficial. 

Since nan obstruction to introduction is lower, it’s often much affordable to prosecute a nutritionist aliases nutrition coach.

Plus, a nutrition coach will often activity alongside a dietitian, helping to facilitate their prescription.

Much nan aforesaid measurement an orthopedist mightiness activity pinch a beingness therapist.

Next, let’s chat astir immoderate certifications we tin look retired for if we want to hunt down a well-trained nutrition coach. 

What Certifications Should a Nutrition Coach Have?

A personification wearing a graduation cap

There are rather a fewer certification programs retired location for nutrition.

Some are great!

Some are…not truthful great.

Let’s chat astir immoderate of nan legit ones.

Here are immoderate certifications to look for if we’re going to prosecute a nutrition coach:


One of nan astir well-respected certifications for nutrition comes from Precision Nutrition

In fact, erstwhile we prosecute coaches, it’s 1 of nan qualifications we look retired for!

PN states there’s “no champion fare for everyone” and alternatively believes coaches should thief their clients find nan individualized nutrition scheme that useful champion for them.

They’re 1 of nan champion successful nan business, and their program has had a large effect connected Nerd Fitness Coaching


ISSA is an acquisition institution that does certifications for individual training and spot coaching.

They besides connection a Nutrition Certification that is beautiful good done. 


NASM is different sanction well-respected successful nan fittingness industry. 

While they chiefly certify personal trainers, they besides connection a broad nutrition certification.

Wayne giving nan thumbs up

Now, these 3 companies aren’t nan only organizations that do bully activity pinch nutrition certifications. But this tin commencement to springiness america an thought of things to look retired for erstwhile seeking retired a nutrition coach.

Signs of a Good Nutrition Coach (and Signs of a Bad One)

Lego intelligence connected her moving place

Not each nutrition coaches will beryllium created equal:

  • A good coach will activity pinch america to create a healthier narration pinch food, focusing connected habits that will thief america scope our goals.
  • A bad coach will conscionable show america to eat much broccoli (thanks Coach, ace helpful).

Outside of nan credentials we discussed successful nan past section, present are immoderate different signs to look retired for:

#1) They inquire america a batch of questions

A bully nutrition coach will want to study astir america earlier they urge anything.

They’ll inquire america questions like:

  • What are your goals?
  • What’s been your erstwhile acquisition pinch weight nonaccomplishment aliases gain?
  • How do you usually eat today?
  • What’s your schedule like?
  • What different priorities do you have?

Without this information, it’s very difficult to thief someone.

If a nutrition coach doesn’t inquire america a bunch of questions, that’s a immense elephantine reddish flag.

#2) They’ll activity pinch america to create an action plan

The sanction of nan crippled present is “long-lasting change.”

To do that, habits request to beryllium created TOGETHER.

If our coach conscionable tells america what to do, without immoderate input from us, it mightiness autumn flat.

For example:

  • If a coach tells america to batch navigator connected Sunday, but we don’t cognize really to activity an oven, this won’t alert (here’s how to navigator immoderate easy meals btw).
  • Let’s opportunity we want to eat meal pinch our family. Well, our coach’s proposal to eat nan aforesaid point complete and complete mightiness origin our kids to revolt (“Chicken AGAIN…gag”).

If a coach creates a scheme that ne'er addresses what we tin do aliases what we want to do, it’s destined to fail.

#3) They’ll show our progress

Any halfway-decent coach is going to cheque successful often for a position update.

As they say, that which gets measured gets managed, truthful a bully nutrition coach will stitchery information connected things like:

  • Body Measurements. How overmuch we weigh, waist circumference, etc.
  • Strength. If we’re trying to turn strong, our coach mightiness cheque to spot if we’re expanding successful weight pinch our guidance training. 
  • Lab trial results. Maybe we person immoderate wellness metrics, for illustration cholesterin levels, we’re trying to change.
  • Compliance. Let’s opportunity we person a extremity of eating a rootlike pinch each dinner. Are we really doing it?
  • Confidence. Our assurance levels tin often beryllium a bully parameter of really we’re doing successful a program.

If a nutrition coach doesn’t cheque successful connected really you’re doing, see that different large reddish flag!

#4) They’ll guidelines their recommendations connected outcomes

A bully nutrition coach is for illustration a scientist.

Their recommendations are almost for illustration experiments. They’ll inquire themselves questions like:

  • Did my clients execute their assigned tasks?
  • Is it helping them pinch their goals?
  • Are they enjoying themselves?

Like immoderate bully scientist, they won’t judge nan outcome. 

If nether definite conditions an research catches fire…well…we now cognize what will group nan research ablaze.

Scientist watching a laboratory fire

“Day 9…still catching fire.”

So a bully nutrition coach will perpetually bespeak connected what our feedback means:

  • Scenario – “After moving connected it each week, my customer still doesn’t person capable clip to make breakfast.” 
  • Possible Solution – “Perhaps we should propose making a macromolecule smoothie nan nighttime before?”
  • Scenario – “Despite nan changes we’ve made, my customer hasn’t been losing weight.” 
  • Possible Solution – “Maybe it’s clip for a nutrient journal, truthful we tin some spot really galore calories they’re eating?”
  • Scenario – “My customer easy obtained macromolecule pinch each repast past week.”
  • Possible Solution – “Maybe we should standard this up, and see a rootlike pinch each repast now too?”

That’s why a bully nutrition coach is perpetually changing their action plan, based connected nan outcomes they spot and record.

#5) They cognize erstwhile to mention out

There are immoderate things a nutrition coach can’t thief america with.

That would beryllium immoderate benignant of aesculapian intervention. 

If we request personification to “prescribe” a fare to dainty immoderate benignant of illness (Crohn’s, Hashimoto’s, etc.), we’ll request an existent Registered Dietitian aliases different aesculapian professionals to do so.

While a nutrition coach tin thief pinch nan implementation of that curen (“Here are immoderate ways to get much robust successful your diet”), nan existent curen needs to travel from personification decently qualified.

Plus, a bully nutrition coach will understand this. They’ll admit their ain lane and cognize erstwhile it’s clip to mention retired (and mightiness moreover person immoderate recommendations if you don’t cognize who to talk to).

How Much Does a Nutrition Coach Cost?

LEGO money connected a greenish baseplate

The costs of a nutritionist is really going to beryllium variable.

But you tin expect to salary $50 to $150 for a one-hour convention pinch a nutrition coach.[2] 

Note: Insurance will mostly not screen a nutrition coach aliases nutritionist unless they are a registered dietitian.

This leads to different question…

How overmuch does a registered dietitian cost?

Again, it’s variable, but you tin expect to salary location betwixt $100 to $200 for a one-hour convention pinch a dietitian.[3]

This might be covered by insurance, but usually only erstwhile there’s a test that requires nutrition counseling. 

If nan costs of a nutritionist seems excessively high, it mightiness beryllium worthy considering…

Do We Even Need a Nutrition Coach? (or How to Simplify Nutrition)

Before we spell retired and prosecute a nutrition coach, it mightiness beryllium worthy asking ourselves a mates of questions: 

Am I making this harder than it needs to be?

Could I use from making nutrition ace simple?

As Coach Staci explains successful nan video above, overcomplicating nutrition could look for illustration this:

  • Weighing each our food.
  • Calculating nan correct macronutrient split.
  • Daily fasts.

Now, there’s a clip and spot for each this. But there’s besides a clip and spot to disregard it.

Ron Swanson ignoring someone

Coach Staci has had clients perfectly convinced they had to measurement their nutrient to suffer weight. 

They’ll commencement retired good, weighing everything they eat. This mostly only lasts for a week aliases so, because they quickly turn irritated astatine nan overwhelming magnitude of activity involved! 

So they quit. 

Instead of this, possibly we commencement disconnected smaller and simpler.

To amended nutrition, effort these 3 things:

  1. Have a solid of h2o pinch each meal.
  2. Have a thin root of macromolecule astatine each meal.
  3. Have a rootlike pinch each meal.

That’s it! Let’s conscionable do those 3 things.

Don’t interest astir Keto, Paleo, aliases Plant-Based

Just make judge to drink capable water, get plenty of protein, and eat tons of veggies.

Then we tin interest astir each sorts of analyzable nutrition stuff.

Is a Nutrition Coach Worth It?

Two LEGOs exchanging coins

Ultimately, nan mobility of whether aliases not a nutrition coach is worthy it will travel down to a fewer things:

  • Our goals
  • What we request thief with
  • What benignant of coach is disposable to us

If it tin beryllium done connected our own, great!

I’ve seen each sorts of Rebels drawback a representation and make their measurement to Mordor.

But, I’ve besides seen tons of Rebels who’ve benefited from their very ain Gandalf.

A gif of Gandalf.

Someone who knows nan way, and has helped group execute akin goals. 

A bully nutrition coach tin 100% beryllium this…if we find nan correct one.

Remember, “nutritionist” isn’t ever a regulated term, truthful do a small investigation earlier jumping in.

Here’s thing other to consider: immoderate personal trainers ALSO offer nutrition coaching.

Many coaches are combining accepted individual training services for illustration programming workouts alongside nutrition counseling, since nan 2 tin often beryllium limited connected 1 another.

That’s much aliases little nan ground of NF Coaching. Our coaches customize workout routines, positive thief our clients build patient habits astir nutritious eating (done each online).

We’ve recovered that lasting occurrence often combines BOTH fare and exercise, truthful we don’t disregard either.

Plus, it’s often a amended worth to bundle some services together.

If you’re willing successful seeing if 1 of our coaches tin thief you set your nutrition ( while besides increasing stronger), you tin spot if we’re a bully fresh for each different correct here:

How to Hire a Nutrition Coach (Next Steps)

Two Legos astir to workout together.

So you’ve decided you want to prosecute a nutrition coach?


Here’s what to do:

  • Determine goals. We don’t want to commencement this process blindly. Figure retired immoderate goals and constitute them down. Any bully coach is going to inquire america astir them correct away.
  • Formulate nan scope. Do we request a aesculapian master for a prescribed measurement of eating? Or tin a much generalized attack work? Do we want to meet personification successful personification aliases online?
  • Compare qualifications. Anyone tin propulsion nan connection “nutrition coach” connected their resume. So look astatine their qualifications. Are they certified? Do they person a way grounds for helping people? Don’t prosecute nan first nutrition coach found. Do immoderate research!
  • Determine what “success” looks like. How will we cognize if we’re connected nan correct track? Is it eating much vegetables? Losing 10 pounds? Ask what a successful consequence will look like.
  • Get started. Write retired immoderate goals, do your research, and past act! Hiring a nutrition coach isn’t for illustration getting joined – we tin ever time off our coach aft a period aliases two. Don’t fto nan hunt for nan “perfect coach” forestall america from getting started.

That should thief pinch hiring a nutrition coach.

Alright, I want to perceive from you now:

Are you considering hiring a nutrition coach?

What behaviors do you request thief with?

Any tips for hiring a bully coach I’m missing?

Let maine cognize successful nan comments!

-Paul Aguilar

PS: Make judge you cheque retired The Nerd’s Guide to Healthy Eating for tips connected really to make mini tips connected really to amended your nutrition. 


Photo source: In 2015, nan first female coach was hired by a Major League Baseball team., ©Ekaterina Minaeva/123RF.COM, Four Bricks Tall, Not All Heroes Wear Capes, Mr. Bundit Chailaipanich/123RF.COM, ©rosinka79/123RF.COM, ©Lightfieldstudios/123RF.COM, bicycle 

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