The 4 Best Salad Spinners of 2024

Trending 5 months ago

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I emotion a healthy crockery recipe for lunch aliases dinner, and if you do too, you mightiness want to put successful 1 of nan champion crockery spinners for your kitchen. Salad greens should ever beryllium washed earlier eating, and a crockery spinner makes it overmuch quicker and easier to cleanable and barren lettuce, spinach, kale, and more.

Credit: Williams Sonoma

You won’t person to tediously pat greens barren pinch a insubstantial towel — instead, you tin conscionable rotation nan greens to region excess water, past transportation them correct into your bowl.

To thief you find nan champion crockery spinner for your kitchen, I utilized my acquisition making each sorts of salads to put together a database of nan champion options. Whether you’re meal prepping a large batch of salads for nan week aliases conscionable a azygous serving, these crockery spinners will beryllium their worthy successful nan kitchen. 

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My Top Picks

  1. What’s successful My Kitchen: OXO Good Grips Large Salad Spinner – $29.99 astatine Amazon
  2. Best Small Salad Spinner: Cuisinart Salad Spinner – $16.99 astatine Amazon
  3. Best Collapsible Salad Spinner: Progressive International Collapsible Salad Spinner – $19.99 astatine Amazon
  4. Best Stainless Steel Salad Spinner: OXO Good Grips Stainless Steel Salad Spinner – $64.95 astatine Amazon

Reviews of The Best Salad Spinners

1. What’s successful My Kitchen: OXO Good Grips Large Salad Spinner

Credit: Amazon

This crockery spinner from OXO Good Grips is nan golden modular erstwhile it comes to crockery spinners and is nan 1 I usage successful my ain kitchen. It has a ample 6.22-quart capacity that tin accommodate aggregate heads of chopped lettuce, and nan pump system connected nan lid makes it easy to rotation your greens quickly. It tin moreover beryllium done one-handed, acknowledgment to nan bowl’s non-slip base. Plus, nan spinner has a useful small “brake” fastener that you tin push down to extremity nan soul basket. 

It’s easy to clean, too! The outer bowl, basket, and lid are each dishwasher-safe, and nan lid comes isolated for a much thorough cleaning. The spinner is reasonably bulky to store, but nan pump fastener tin beryllium locked successful nan down position for retention to prevention you a small room. 

The Specs:

  • Dimensions: 10.5 x 10.5 x 6 inches
  • Capacity: 6.22 quarts
  • Material: BPA-free plastic
  • Dishwasher-Safe: Yes

The Pros:

  • Large capacity
  • Easy to use
  • Non-slip base
  • Easy to clean
  • Lid locks level for storage

The Cons:

  • Bulky

What Others Are Saying: 

The OXO Good Grips Salad Spinner has a 4.7-star standing from much than 38,000 Amazon reviewers. It’s besides been named nan champion crockery spinner by Wirecutter, Food Network, and Epicurious.

Buy nan OXO Good Grips Large Salad Spinner: 

2. Best Small Salad Spinner: Cuisinart Salad Spinner

Credit: Home Depot

If you’re only washing a azygous serving of greens, nan Cuisinart Salad Spinner has a 3-quart capacity, and its smaller size is useful for washing herbs and moreover fruit, arsenic well. This spinner has a grip connected apical that you crank to rotation nan soul basket, and nan lid has a drainage spread that lets you move retired excess water. I for illustration that it has non-slip feet, and because it’s much compact, it won’t return up arsenic overmuch abstraction successful your pantry. However, nan pieces aren’t dishwasher-safe, truthful you’ll request to lavation them by hand.

The Specs:

  • Dimensions: 8.2 x 8.2 x 7 inches
  • Capacity: 3 quarts
  • Material: Plastic
  • Dishwasher-Safe: No

The Pros:

  • Inexpensive
  • Compact size
  • Drain spread successful lid
  • Non-skid base
  • Lifetime warranty

The Cons:

  • Not dishwasher safe

What Others are Saying: 

The Cuisinart Salad Spinner has much than 9,800 reviews connected Amazon, pinch an mean standing of 4.5 stars. It’s besides recommended by Food Network arsenic nan champion mini crockery spinner. 

Buy nan Cuisinart Salad Spinner: 

3. Best Collapsible Salad Spinner: Progressive International Collapsible Salad Spinner

Credit: Target

One of nan biggest issues group person pinch crockery spinners is that they tin beryllium rather bulky and return up a batch of retention space. If you person a smaller kitchen, you mightiness for illustration nan Progressive Collapsible Salad Spinner. The mediate conception of this spinner is made from silicone, which allows it to beryllium collapsed down to half its size for storage. It has a 3-quart capacity that’s perfect for 1 aliases 2 servings, and there’s a mini grip connected nan lid that you crank to rotation your greens. This spinner has a non-slip guidelines for stability, and its pieces are dishwasher-safe for easy cleaning erstwhile you’re done. 

The Specs:

  • Dimensions: 9 x 9 x 4 inches
  • Capacity: 3 quart
  • Material: Plastic and silicone 
  • Dishwasher-Safe: Yes

The Pros:

  • Inexpensive
  • Non-skid base
  • Easy to clean
  • Collapses for storage

The Cons:

  • Small handle
  • Not arsenic sturdy

What Others are Saying: 

The Progressive International Collapsible Salad Spinner has much than 5,700 reviews and an mean standing of 4.5 stars connected Amazon. 

Buy nan Progressive International Collapsible Salad Spinner: 

4. Best Stainless Steel Salad Spinner: OXO Good Grips Stainless Steel Salad Spinner

Credit: Amazon

If you want a crockery spinner that tin double arsenic a serving bowl, this prime from OXO is an upgraded type of my apical wide pick. Instead of plastic, it has a durable stainless alloy vessel that tin withstand predominant usage and service your greens. It besides has a somewhat larger capacity than nan integrative type that I use, but it uses nan aforesaid pump-style spinning system and tin beryllium washed successful nan dishwasher. 

The Specs:

  • Dimensions: 10.5 x 10.5 x 6.5 inches
  • Capacity: 6.34 quarts
  • Material: Stainless alloy and plastic
  • Dishwasher-Safe: Yes

The Pros:

  • Durable
  • Large capacity
  • Easy to operate
  • Easy to clean

The Cons:

  • Heavier than others
  • Bulky to store

What Others are Saying: 

The OXO Good Grips Stainless Steel Salad Spinner has a 4.5-star standing from 5,700 Amazon reviewers. Wirecutter besides mentions it arsenic 1 of nan champion crockery spinners. 

Buy nan OXO Good Grips Stainless Steel Salad Spinner: 

Other Salad Spinners to Consider

Gourmia Jumbo Salad Spinner

The Gourmia Jumbo Salad Spinner has a akin creation to nan Cuisinart model, isolated from it’s overmuch larger and tin clasp much greens astatine once. It has a 5-quart capacity and useful pinch a crank grip connected nan lid. The lid snaps into spot for amended stability, and there’s a built-in drain that lets you move disconnected excess liquid. It’s besides dishwasher-safe, but it’s bulky and will return up rather a spot of retention space. The Gourmia Jumbo Salad Spinner is disposable astatine Amazon for $19.95.

Farberware Salad Spinner

The Farberware Salad Spinner is different celebrated pump-style model. It tin clasp up to 6.6 quarts, and it’s equipped pinch a useful brake that lets you extremity nan spinning quickly. It’s unchangeable and easy to use, but unfortunately, it can’t beryllium put successful nan dishwasher, which makes cleaning much tedious. The Faberware Salad Spinner is disposable astatine Amazon for $19.97.

Joseph Joseph 4-Piece Salad Making Set

For crockery lovers, nan Joseph Joseph 4-Piece Salad Set includes everything you request to hole your greens. The all-in-one creation includes a crockery spinner, arsenic good arsenic grating, slicing, and spiralizing attachments that tin beryllium utilized connected nan aforesaid bowl. All nan components nest together for easy storage, but nan downside is that nary of nan pieces are dishwasher-safe. The Joseph Joseph 4-Piece Salad Making Set is disposable astatine Amazon for $45.

Dreamfarm Spina

Most crockery spinners person an outer vessel that traps nan h2o arsenic you spin, but nan Dreamfarm Spina is an in-sink exemplary that only has a colander. It has a 3-quart capacity, and its grip and ft let you to rotation nan colander, draining excess moisture into your sink. It’s much compact than astir self-contained crockery spinners, but it tin beryllium rather messy, particularly if your descend is excessively shallow to drawback each nan h2o spray. The Dreamfarm Spina is disposable astatine Amazon for $34.95.

Salad Sling

If you’re short connected retention space, nan Salad Sling is simply a unsocial spinner that’s made from an absorbent microfiber cloth. All you person to do is spot bedewed greens successful nan halfway of nan sling, stitchery nan handles, past plaything it successful a circle, and nan centrifugal unit will barren disconnected your ingredients. It’s elemental and effective, but nan sling tin only clasp mini portions astatine a time. The Salad Sling is disposable astatine Amazon for $23.99.

Why You Can Trust Me

I’m nan writer and look developer down Skinnytaste, which features hundreds of family-friendly patient recipes, including a ample postulation of patient and delicious salads. I emotion each types of salads, whether it’s a classical greenish salad, hearty pasta salad, aliases tasty atom salad, and nan champion portion astir these recipes is that they’re easy to tailor to your tastes by swapping successful your favourite ingredients and dressings.

Credit: Amazon

To thief you take nan champion crockery spinner for you, I relied connected my acquisition utilizing respective different crockery spinners and appliances from celebrated room brands. I prioritized affordable, easy-to-use models that activity quickly and are easy to clean. I besides checked to spot what crockery spinners my favourite cooking publications and different product-testing experts recommend. 

Everything to Know Before Buying a Salad Spinner

Credit: Amazon

What to Consider Before Buying a Salad Spinner

As you comparison nan champion crockery spinners, respective cardinal factors will thief you find nan champion action for your kitchen.

Capacity: Salad spinners travel successful a wide scope of sizes. Smaller 2- aliases 3-quart models tin only rotation 1 aliases 2 servings of greens astatine a time, while larger 6-quart spinners tin often clasp full heads of chopped lettuce. 

Spinning Mechanism: Most crockery spinners either person a pump aliases a crank that spins nan soul bowl. Pumps tin often beryllium utilized one-handed and get nan colander spinning quickly, while cranks require a small much effort and springiness you much power complete nan speed.  

Cleaning: Not each crockery spinners tin beryllium put successful nan dishwasher, truthful it’s a bully thought to double-check nan cleaning instructions earlier you buy.

Storage: Salad spinners often return up a batch of retention space—most 6-quart models are astir nan aforesaid size arsenic a ample saucepan. If you person constricted abstraction successful your kitchen, you whitethorn want to look for a collapsible model.

How Do You Use a Salad Spinner?

To usage a crockery spinner, commencement by filling nan soul colander pinch your greens. Fill nan vessel pinch h2o and mildly agitate nan greens to cleanable them. Remove nan colander and fto it drain for a fewer seconds, past move retired nan soiled water. 

To barren disconnected your greens, put nan colander backmost wrong nan outer vessel and put nan lid into place. Use nan pump aliases crank to rotation nan colander—you should spot nan h2o stitchery successful nan bottommost of nan bowl. You tin repetition nan spinning process a fewer times until your greens are arsenic barren arsenic you’d like. 

What Can You Put successful a Salad Spinner? 

Salad spinners are mostly utilized for greens specified arsenic chopped lettuce, spinach, kale, and arugula. They tin besides beryllium utilized to lavation and barren herbs and moreover berries aliases grapes. Additionally, nan soul colander that comes pinch astir crockery spinners tin service arsenic a regular colander to drain pasta, canned beans, and more. 

How Do You Dry Lettuce Without a Salad Spinner? 

No crockery spinner? One of nan easiest ways to barren lettuce and different greens is utilizing insubstantial towels. After washing, laic your greens retired connected a cleanable room towel, past usage a insubstantial towel to pat them dry. Depending connected really bedewed they are, you mightiness request to usage a 2nd insubstantial towel if nan first 1 becomes saturated. This method is delicate capable that it won’t wounded your lettuce, and it’s highly effective but a spot time-consuming.

Is a Salad Spinner Worth It?

Salad spinners are often rather affordable, and if you make salads (or different dishes pinch greens) frequently, they tin thief streamline your prep. However, if you don’t often eat salads aliases person constricted retention abstraction successful your kitchen, you tin decidedly unrecorded without a crockery spinner—a fewer insubstantial towels will do nan instrumentality to barren disconnected your greens, instead.

The Best Salad Recipes

Credit: Skinnytaste

There are truthful galore delicious salad recipes that you tin hole utilizing a crockery spinner. Whether you’re looking for a speedy and easy luncheon aliases a filling meal that nan full family will love, these are respective of my favourite salads to adhd to your play menu:

Prices were meticulous astatine clip of publication. 

Source Health Food
Health Food