Revisiting a Classic: Temptation Bundling

Trending 7 months ago

For disastrous humans for illustration myself, routines are beautiful damn important.

I’m easy distracted, impacted by my environment, and powerfully influenced by the group astir me. A predictable regular gives maine nan champion chance to still get worldly done while being human.

Unfortunately, while traveling, plentifulness of things gaffe by nan wayside.

And this past week I recovered myself walking and falling down connected my nerd duties.

I needed to drawback up connected House of nan Dragon (Season 2 is simply a large step-up!), and I was besides down connected a fewer of my favourite nerdy podcasts.

I thought astir really I would negociate to get caught up while besides getting my workouts done. I cognize that I consciousness for illustration a amended quality being aft I exercise.

And past I remembered a habit-building method I had learned astir years ago.

Before I started penning astir it, I googled nan technique…only to recognize I had already written astir it! Good job, Past Steve!

(I conjecture erstwhile you people 1000+ articles complete 15 years, it’s bound to happen.)

The method is called “Temptation Bundling.”

It’s erstwhile you harvester 2 activities: 1 you need to do pinch 1 you want to do.

Example: listening to your favourite audiobook aliases podcast ONLY erstwhile you’re astatine nan gym aliases getting your steps in.

As I constituent retired successful my updated article connected Temptation Bundling, Professor Katy Milkman ran an research to trial whether aliases not “audiobooks astatine nan gym only” would power people’s behaviors:

The group successful nan study who were told they could perceive to addictive audio books only while moving retired visited nan gym 51% much often than those who were conscionable told they should workout more.

Knowing that workout is my constant while traveling, I took my ain advice:

I told myself I could only watch House of nan Dragon while walking.

In addition, nan much clip I spent astatine nan gym, nan much of my podcasts I could get through.

Sure enough, I recovered myself jumping statement a fewer other minutes to decorativeness a podcast episode, I went to nan gym an other time for mobility work, and I walked an other mile connected nan treadmill conscionable to spot nan extremity of an episode.

More “nerd” positive much “fitness” = win!

Feel free to publication nan afloat article on Temptation Bundling and springiness it a shot.

If you effort it out, deed reply connected this email and fto maine cognize really it goes!


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