Sometimes, I consciousness for illustration my look needs a changeable of espresso. Even erstwhile I get that coveted 8 hours of deep sleep, my tegument doesn’t get nan memo. (I aftermath up fearing a fewer unsolicited “you look tired” comments.) But dissimilar dry skin aliases oily skin, dull tegument isn’t a imperishable tegument type. It’s thing you tin alteration pinch nan correct skincare regular and manner shifts. In pursuit of nan lit-from-within glow, I said to board-certified dermatologist Dr. Laura Scott astir really to ditch dull tegument for good.
Dr. Laura Scott is simply a board-certified dermatologist who specializes successful big and pediatric dermatology. She served arsenic nan Associate Director of nan Skin of Color Division astatine nan University of Miami and now treats some aesculapian dermatologic and cosmetic tegument concerns astatine Scott & Co. Skin successful San Diego. She graduated from Harvard Medical School, wherever she not only discovered her passion for dermatology, but besides entrepreneurship.
What Causes Dull Skin
“Dull tegument astir often refers to tegument that conscionable doesn’t glow and looks flat, sometimes moreover dry,” says Dr. Scott. “At nan tegument level, this is often owed to a build-up of dormant tegument cells, decreased h2o contented successful nan skin, aliases reduced circulation successful nan look (and often a combo of these)!”
External factors origin dull skin. It’s your assemblage telling you thing needs to shift. If your tegument is dull, effort auditing your manner and your skincare regular to spot what’s missing.
According to Dr. Scott, communal causes of dull tegument include:
- Aging. As compartment turnover slows down, elastin and collagen accumulation decreases—and truthful does your earthy glow. Try taking a collagen supplement and implementing skincare products that summation compartment turnover.
- Nutrition. You really are what you eat. Excess sweetener and caffeine are communal culprits that origin dull skin. (Guilty!) Glowy tegument starts successful nan gut. By prioritizing gut health and moreover taking gut wellness supplements, you tin beforehand wide vitality.
- Lifestyle habits. Factors for illustration smoking, tanning, aliases overindulging successful intoxicant mightiness beryllium sabotaging your skin. External factors for illustration contamination and sun vulnerability tin besides dull your complexion. Protect yourself from nan situation pinch antioxidants and, of course, sunscreen!
- Your skincare routine. Doing excessively overmuch aliases excessively small tin origin barren skin. Over-exfoliating aliases utilizing nan incorrect products for your tegument tin portion it of its earthy glow. But an inconsistent skincare regular aliases 1 that doesn’t reside your tegument concerns tin besides lead to dull skin. A bully skincare regular doesn’t person to beryllium complicated—it conscionable has to beryllium correct for you.

Lifestyle Factors That Can Help Treat Dull Skin
“Lifestyle tin often beryllium nan hardest point to change,” says Dr. Scott. But it often makes nan biggest difference. “Vacation tegument is simply a existent thing!” That’s why, erstwhile we are relaxed and surviving slower, your tegument glows. Think of really you tin bring that picnic mindset to your regular routine—not conscionable for brighter tegument but for a much enjoyable life!
For healthy, glowy skin, Dr. Scott recommends “incorporating regular exercise, getting capable bully sleep, reducing stress, and, of course, eating healthy.”

The Best Skincare Routine for Dull Skin
Dull tegument astir apt won’t spell distant pinch conscionable 1 product. Dr. Scott recommends a holistic attack that targets each nan causes of dull skin. By adopting a skincare regular and manner habits that beforehand tegument health, you’ll decidedly spot a difference.
Dull tegument skincare routine
- Gentle chemic exfoliation. From scrubs to serums and cleansers, this measurement is basal to “reduce nan build-up of dormant tegument cells,” says Dr. Scott. “A gentle chemic exfoliant tin beryllium utilized a fewer times a week. Lactic acerb is simply a awesome option, aliases if utilizing a stronger acerb for illustration glycolic, you can incorporate it into a cleanser. Mandelic acerb is different individual favorite.”
- A bully moisturizer. Look for 1 that provides hydration to thief plump nan skin.
Habits for glowy skin
- Diet. Focus connected supporting your gut wellness to beforehand glowy skin.
- Regular exercise. Consistent activity tin thief beforehand amended circulation.
- Supplement. For hydration and glowy skin, see wellness supplements that tin support tegument successful holding and retaining moisture.

The Best Products for Glowy Skin
Ready for year-round picnic skin? Taking a health-first attack to your skincare regular will support a glowy complexion. But don’t beryllium excessively eager—overdoing it tin origin arsenic overmuch harm arsenic not doing enough. Balance is key, and truthful is choosing a regular you tin instrumentality to. Here are nan champion dermatologist-recommended picks and beauty editor-approved treatments for dull skin.