35 Valentine’s Day Movies You’ll Love Snuggling Up to

Trending 5 months ago

Love them aliases dislike them, romanticist movies are nan bosom of nan beloved February 14th. What’s much romanticist than snuggling up pinch your important different (or possibly conscionable your pet) and blissfully enjoying a heartfelt flick? Don’t worry—if you’re sick of wasting clip scrolling your streaming platforms, we person you covered. No matter your plans, these are nan champion Valentine’s Day movies to curl up pinch this holiday.

The Best Valentine’s Day Movies That’ll Make You Believe successful Love

Below, you’ll find nan movies that bring tears to our eyes while reminding america that love—found successful moreover nan astir astonishing places—deserves a time of its own. Whether you’re looking for a classical movie aliases thing caller and exciting, we’ve sewage it each successful 1 place. While not each of these travel pinch a happy ending, each movie is judge to punctual you of nan endless ways you tin link pinch and observe love.

past lives_valentine's time movies

Past Lives, 2023

One of nan astir celebrated romance thrillers of 2023, Past Lives focuses connected nan life of puerility friends Nora and Hae Sung and their communicative of reconnection aft a agelong separation. The movie introduces nan Korean Buddhist conception of In-Yun—the connection, fate, aliases destiny of 2 people. The heart-wrenching communicative touches connected resurfacing long-buried emotions and grappling pinch nan truth that our lives are ever-changing.

Standout line: “It’s existent that if you leave, you suffer things, but you besides summation things, too.”

Available on: Viki

anyone but you

Anyone But You, 2023

Sydney Sweeny and Glen Powell’s power is magnetic successful this movie, and it’s been each everyone tin talk astir connected societal media since its release. Despite an astonishing first date, Bea and Ben’s first attraction quickly turns to petty hatred. However, erstwhile they unexpectedly find themselves astatine nan wedding of Bea’s sister and Ben’s champion friend successful Australia, nan brace puts connected nan cleanable mates enactment to make their exes jealous. This story, resembling Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing, is nan enemies-to-lovers trope I’m dying to watercourse this Valentine’s Day.

Standout line: “What if we met astatine Chipolte and Lady & The Tramped a burrito?”

Available on: Apple TV+

love astatine first sight

Love astatine First Sight, 2023

Bonding complete a telephone charger (ah, nan world that we unrecorded in), Hadley and Oliver acquisition a once-and-a-lifetime spark while waiting for their formation to England. If you’ve ever knowledgeable an airdrome crush, you’ll resonate pinch nan pair’s acquisition of losing each different astatine customs and apt ne'er seeing each different again. However, successful this flick, destiny whitethorn person a measurement of changing nan odds.

Standout line: “I’m down for a cheesy rom-com, arsenic agelong arsenic there’s a happy ending”

Available on: Netflix

love again_valentine's time movies

Love Again, 2023

What if a random matter connection led to nan emotion of your life? In Love Again, Priyanka Chopra Jonas plays Mira Ray, a female dealing pinch nan nonaccomplishment of her fiancé. Sending a bid of texts to his aged compartment telephone number, she quickly learns that nan caller recipient is Rob Burns, and she’s been contacting his caller activity phone. Rob is enamored pinch nan beautifully confessional texts and enlists Celine Dion (who plays herself successful nan film) to thief him fig retired really to meet Mira and triumph her over.

Standout line: “If I perceive you breathe, I get wings to fly.”

Available on: Netflix

rye lane_valentine's time movies

Rye Lane, 2023

This British romantic comedy film, directed by Raine Allen-Miller, is group successful the South London areas of Peckham and Brixton. The movie is titled aft nan real-life Rye Lane Market, wherever stars David Jonsson and Vivian Oparah meet arsenic strangers pinch a romanticist spark. After having some been done caller breakups, nan brace spends nan time getting to cognize each other. And arsenic they quickly discover, emotion is never that simple.

Standout line: “So apparently, location are 2 types of group successful this world. The ones who activity astatine boats and nan ones who dislike joy.”

Available on: Hulu

fingernails movie poster

Fingernails, 2023

I prefaced this database noting that not each of these movies will beryllium heartwarming rom-coms. In nan adjacent future, scientists person pinned down compatibility via technology. How? You and your partner tin each person a fingernail pulled to measurement affection and find whether either, neither, aliases some of you are genuinely successful love. However, a seemly “perfect” couple, Anna and Ryan person their romance thrown for a loop erstwhile Anna originates to autumn for different man.

Standout line: “I founded this institute successful bid to return nan consequence retired of love.”

Available on: Apple TV+

mrs. harris goes to paris

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris, 2022

While I’d happily ugly-cry done a heartbreaking emotion story, I’m much apt to bask thing genuinely feel-good. (But wow, if you watched the 3rd section of The Last of Us, you’ll cognize there’s ever an objection to nan rule.) If you’re besides aft a rubbing communicative pinch a protagonist you’ll beryllium rooting for nan full time; thing thumps Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris.

It’s 1950s London, and a widowed cleaning lady’s (Mrs. Harris’) only dream is to person a couture Dior dress successful her closet. She raises nan money and heads to Paris to make her dream a reality. But her pursuit transforms much than her ain life—it whitethorn very good displacement nan early of nan House of Dior. (Psst… nan movie features Emily successful Paris prima Lucas Bravo. If you wanted much of cook Gabriel post-season three, watch this.)

Standout line: “We need more dreams, now much than ever.”

Available on: Amazon Prime

wedding season_valentine's time movies

Wedding Season, 2022

While Netflix has put retired its adjacent stock of rom-coms successful caller years, Wedding Season has to beryllium 1 of nan best. Asha, an economist, has precocious parted ways pinch her fiancé and near Wall Street to activity for a New Jersey startup. Her mother, worried astir Asha’s future, takes it into her ain hands and makes her a making love profile. Asha meets Ravi, and contempt a fewer missteps, they feign a narration to make it done nan summer’s galore weddings. That is, until—in existent rom-com form—faking it becomes thing more.

Standout line: “I don’t creation connected demand.”

Available on: Hulu

ticket to paradise_valentine's time movies

Ticket to Paradise, 2022

Standout line: The movie poster unsocial is enticing enough. George Clooney and Julia Roberts? Easily sold. But I’ll sweeten nan deal. Roberts is backmost successful Bali, but alternatively of searching for herself playing Eat, Pray, Love writer Elizabeth Gilbert, she and Clooney (who plays her ex-husband) are trying to extremity their girl from marrying a seaweed farmer. It seems that sabotage whitethorn beryllium nan *ticket* to rekindling nan magic. Oh, and again: Lucas Bravo.

Standout line: “Telling personification to calm down has virtually ne'er calmed anyone down successful nan history of nan universe.”

Available on: Amazon Prime

tall woman 2

Tall Girl 2, 2022

If you person a point for movies that perfectly picture conscionable really cringe and awkward it tin beryllium to beryllium arsenic a teenager, past you apt loved Tall Girl (same). In nan sequel, Jodi is navigating newfound fame aft her reside astatine nan homecoming dance. But her caller relationship, societal status, and prima domiciled successful nan outpouring philharmonic bring connected worry attacks. Will nan accent beryllium excessively much? Can she move beyond nan sound successful her caput holding her back? Watch this charming coming-of-age movie to find out.

Standout line: “Are you judge you don’t mind leaning down to buss me?”

Available on: Netflix

call maine by your name

Call Me By Your Name, 2017

We couldn’t compile a database of apical Valentine’s Day movies without including this romanticist flick featuring everybody’s heartthrob, Timothée Chalamet. The hostility betwixt nan 2 is unbearable astatine times, but effort and watch this movie without experiencing goosebumps each over. This communicative of young emotion and self-discovery is incredibly moving and devastatingly heartbreaking, but it’s 1 we will watch complete and complete for its stunning cinematography and soundtrack (Sufjan Stevens nailed this one!).

Standout line: “I’ll ne'er person nan courageousness to inquire a mobility for illustration that.”

Available on: Netflix

carol 2015

Carol, 2015

Another movie that proves emotion tin look successful unexpected places, and it tin be, well, complicated. This was nan lawsuit for Therese Belivet (Rooney Mara) who falls for nan captivating Carol (Cate Blanchett) aft seeing her astatine a 1950s Manhattan section store. Of course, you guessed it, nan 2 women shape a enslaved that quickly turns to an matter pinch analyzable consequences.

Standout line: “Dearest location are nary accidents.”

Available on: Netflix

the lobster

The Lobster, 2016

I’ve spent nan past 7 years defending my stance that this is nan all-time top movie successful existence. It’s dark, it’s funny, it’s visually stunning and sad. In this dystopian world, azygous group person 45 days to find love. If they fail? They get turned into animals. The Lobster is simply a activity of caller aerial for anyone who’s tired of nan soulmate trope, skeptical of happy endings, aliases conscionable wants to watch a beautifully authentic romance unfold earlier your eyes.

Standout line: “A lobster is an fantabulous choice.”

Available on: Max

sleepless successful seattle_valentine's time movies

Sleepless successful Seattle, 1993

While immoderate movies revenge nether nan rom-com/romance genre don’t property well, Sleepless successful Seattle will everlastingly stay a classic. Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks make nan eventual on-screen 90s mates (You’ve Got Mail, anyone?). And while Rosie O’Donnell plays nan perfect, cynical friend who points retired each nan failings of our modern conception of love, this movie will still make you guidelines for romance. Note: I’ve besides ne'er wanted to acquisition a houseboat successful Seattle more.

Standout line: “Destiny is thing that we’ve invented because we can’t guidelines nan truth that everything that happens is accidental.”

Available on: Amazon Prime

two for nan road_valentine's time movies

Two for nan Road, 1967

I watched this for nan first clip pinch my mom successful mediate schoolhouse (romantic, right?). Like galore of us, Audrey Hepburn is her favourite actress, and while Breakfast astatine Tiffany’s is 1 of her standout roles, this lesser-known movie is arsenic romanticist arsenic it gets. There’s thing for illustration a roadworthy travel done confederate France to re-examine your twelve-year relationship. Golden Globe and Oscar nominations abound, and they’re each decidedly merited. What was considered an experimental movie portrayal of emotion astatine nan clip remains a melodramatic but heartwarming communicative of 2 group trying to recapture a faded passion. On different note: Audrey Hepburn’s style is always connected point.

Standout line: “What benignant of group conscionable beryllium location without a connection to opportunity to each other?” “Married people.”

Available on: YouTube TV

north by northwest_valentine's time movies

North by Northwest, 1959

A spy thriller? For Valentine’s Day? Stick pinch me. While Alfred Hitchock is much often associated pinch scary and suspense, I’d beryllium remiss not to constituent retired his expertise to seizure romance astatine its astir intensely unique. Because it came retired mid-century, immoderate of nan dialogue, of course, is simply a spot dated. But Cary Grant? Timeless.

Standout line: “I ne'er talk emotion connected an quiet stomach.”

Available on: Tubi

something's sewage to give

Something’s Got to Give, 2003

It’s not a database of romanticist movies without a Nancy Meyers standout. If you’re a Diane Keaton instrumentality (everyone), emotion a bully New England formation aesthetic, and can’t get capable of an early 2000s Keanu Reeves (just me?), past this is nan movie to beryllium marathoning connected V-day and beyond. Not only will you get a feel-good movie retired of nan holiday, but spot me—buckle up for plentifulness of sartorial inspiration to come.

Standout line: “It’s conscionable a locomotion Erica, not a matrimony proposal.”

Available on: Tubi

high fidelity

High Fidelity, 2000

Because if there’s thing we emotion much than an optimistic teenage John Cusack pinch a stereo complete his head, it’s a bitter thirty-something Cusack who useful astatine nan section grounds store. This hilarious study of romanticist relationships is infinitely quotable, wholly relatable, and oh-so-good.

Standout line: “I dream we’re not successful emotion anymore, to beryllium honest. It would springiness maine a amended sentiment of emotion correct now.”

Available on: YouTube TV

midnight successful paris

Midnight successful Paris, 2011

This movie will spark your imagination. Follow a charmingly bewildered Owen Wilson arsenic he stumbles done clip successful nan foggy streets of Paris. Did it really happen? Or did he ideate it? Either way, it’s magical, and we want to watch it again and again—especially for different glimpse of that feline who plays Hemingway.

Standout line: “Nostalgia is denial – denial of nan achy present… nan sanction for this denial is aureate property reasoning – nan erroneous conception that a different clip play is amended than nan 1 one’s surviving successful – it’s a flaw successful nan romanticist imagination of those group who find it difficult to header pinch nan present.”

Available on: Sling

populaire_valentine's time movies

Populaire, 2013

This small French movie astir an security leader and his speedy typing caput is 1 portion sports movie, 2 parts rom-com, and altogether charming. We particularly emotion nan nosy 60s manner and whimsical action scenes successful this quirky romance.

Standout line: “One gift successful this world is enough.”

Available on: Roku Channel

when harry met sally

When Harry Met Sally, 1989

First they hated each other. Then they were friends… Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan still charm successful nan godfather of each romanticist comedies. This 1 has staying power.

Standout line: “I came present coming because erstwhile you recognize you want to walk nan remainder of your life pinch somebody, you want nan remainder of your life to commencement arsenic soon arsenic possible.” 

Available on: Amazon Prime

breakfast astatine tiffany's_valentine's time movies

Breakfast astatine Tiffany’s, 1961

Because being broke, quirky, and azygous successful nan metropolis has never looked truthful chic.

Standout line: “You tin emotion personification without it being for illustration that. You support them a stranger, a alien who’s a friend.”

Available on: Amazon Prime

bridget jones's diary

Bridget Jones’s Diary, 2001

If we could only prime one Valentine’s Day movie for nan azygous person, it would astir apt beryllium this. We get Colin Firth and Hugh Grant. An endless watercourse of cheeky references to Pride and Prejudice. And Renée Zellweger doing each azygous stupid point we’ve ever done aliases thought astir doing ourselves. Bridget Jones, you are nan everywoman. And we physically need for things to activity retired for you.

Standout line: “Shut up, please. I americium very engaged and important.”

Available on: Hulu


Amélie, 2001

Our generation’s gamine successful nan domiciled that made her famous: a awkward and charming romanticist who mischievously meddles successful different people’s emotion lives. Trés sweet.

Standout line: “Failure teaches america that life is but a draft, an endless rehearsal of a show that will ne'er play.”

Available on: Amazon Prime

that point you do!

That Thing You Do!, 1996

Liv is astatine her absolute loveliest successful Tom Hank’s directorial debut astir an guiltless group of precocious schoolhouse musicians who go overnight sensations.

Standout line: “We came present to meet girls and dance, and we can’t meet girls until we dance!”

Available on: Amazon Prime

sixteen candles

Sixteen Candles, 1984

I person 2 words for you: Jake Ryan. If (like immoderate of nan girls successful this office) you are someway excessively young to person seen John Hughes’ original Brat Pack movie, see this 1 a individual duty from me. You’ll get to spot nan movie that arguably defined “high schoolhouse movie,” Anthony Michael Hall astatine his astir adorable, and 1 of nan astir classical on-screen kisses of nan eighties.

Standout line: “I want a superior girlfriend. Somebody I tin love, that’s gonna emotion maine back. Is that psycho?”

Available on: Netflix

romantics anonymous_valentine's time movies

Romantics Anonymous, 2010

Two awkward chocolate-makers travel together successful this saccharine and subtle communicative pinch plentifulness of French ambiance. Bon appétit.

Standout line: “I’m sorry but it won’t work. I emotion you and I cognize you emotion me. But it’s a look for disaster.”

Available on: Tubi

about a boy

About A Boy, 2002

Okay, truthful this quirky small drama based connected Nick Hornby’s 1998 caller doesn’t extremity pinch a dream wedding, but spot america erstwhile we opportunity it’s exactly what you request this Valentine’s Day: Hugh Grant astatine his champion successful a domiciled that’s meant for him, an adorable kid, and a heartwarming communicative that will person you believing successful emotion of a larger kind.

Standout line: “Once you unfastened your doorway to 1 person, anyone tin travel in.”

Available on: Apple TV+


Brooklyn, 2015

The costumes, scenery and dreamy 1950s world of head John Crowley’s movie are capable to person america mesmerized. But it’s nan guiltless emotion betwixt main characters Ellis and Tony that puts this Oscar-nominated flick connected our all-time emotion list.

Standout line: “You’ll consciousness so homesick that you’ll want to die, and there’s thing you tin do astir it isolated from strengthen it. But you will, and it won’t termination you. And 1 time nan sun will travel out—you mightiness not moreover announcement consecutive away, it’ll beryllium that faint. And past you’ll drawback yourself reasoning astir thing aliases personification who has nary relationship pinch nan past.”

Available on: Amazon Prime

the goodbye girl

The Goodbye Girl, 1977

This surface adjustment of Neil Simon’s celebrated drama is ripe pinch nan playwright’s signature one-liners. Set successful gritty 70s New York City, this old-school rom-com delivers conscionable what we want (even if we spot it coming a mile away). One of Camille’s individual faves!

Standout line: “You were ne'er four-and-a-half, you were calved 26.”

Available on: Tubi

the reflector has 2 faces

The Mirror Has Two Faces, 1996

This 90s drama charms pinch nan improbable pairing of Barbara Streisand and Jeff Bridges arsenic lonely Columbia professors. When Barbara’s sister takes nan inaugural to reply Jeff’s individual ad, nan 2 find themselves quickly falling into a very unconventional relationship. Produced and directed by Streisand herself, this movie has a awesome connection astir beauty for women. And hey, I don’t cognize astir you but I want to unrecorded successful a world wherever Babs tin move down a hopeless Pierce Brosnan. #anythingispossible

Standout line: “I show you what I envy astir group successful love—I’d emotion it if personification knew me, I mean really knew me. What I like, what I’m acrophobic of, what benignant of toothpaste I use.”

Available on: Amazon Prime

far from nan madding crowd_valentine's time movies

Far From nan Madding Crowd, 2015

Put connected your PJs and break retired nan reddish vino and popcorn. This movie is axenic escapism successful nan champion measurement possible. Based connected nan classical caller by Thomas Hardy, this play play stars Cary Mulligan arsenic nan beautiful and headstrong Bathsheba Everdene. She has 3 suitors to take from and (gasp) she moreover makes a fewer mistakes on nan way. We emotion nan communicative for its connection of perseverance and nan movie for nan gorgeous English backdrop.

Standout line: “I am, arsenic ever, successful bewildered awe of anyone who tin make this benignant of commitment.”

Available on: Max

annie hall

Annie Hall, 1977

Woody Allen’s drama starring himself and Diane Keaton goes good beyond nan “rom-com” class it whitethorn person created. This is axenic vintage Woody: neurotic, smart, dialogue-charged, and very funny. If you haven’t seen this 1970s classic, we deliberation you’ll admit nan movie’s power connected truthful galore of nan things you already emotion (think Sex and nan City, When Harry Met Sally, and moreover Ferris Bueller’s Day Off).

Standout line: “In California, they don’t propulsion their garbage away. They make it into TV shows.”

Available on: Max

10 things I dislike astir you

10 Things I Hate About You, 1999

The past of nan awesome 90s precocious schoolhouse movies, this is 1 cablegram classical we simply can’t move distant from connected a Saturday morning. And why should we? It features a young Heath Ledger, each nan precocious schoolhouse archetypes we cognize and love, and it’s moreover adapted from a Shakespeare play. So, it’s benignant of educational, right?

Standout line: “I cognize you tin beryllium overwhelmed, and you tin beryllium underwhelmed, but tin you ever conscionable beryllium whelmed?”

Available on: Disney+

waitress_valentine's time movies

Waitress, 2007

We loved her arsenic Felicity, and well, for girls of a definite property Kerri Russell is forever. This clip she’s successful her thirties, stuck successful a boring occupation and a bad marriage. It’s up to creativity, love, and luck to thief her find a measurement to commencement life anew.

Standout line: “I was addicted to saying things and having them matter to someone.”

Available on: Starz

pirate radio

Pirate Radio (The Boat That Rocked), 2009

From nan aforesaid pack who brought america Love Actually, this feel-good British drama follows a vessel of rogue deejays disconnected nan seashore of England. We situation you to not grin passim their voyage (which encounters nan nonaccomplishment of virginity, a hippie wedding, and a love-fueled crippled of “chicken”) each pinch joyful silliness (and an astonishing soundtrack to boot).

Standout line: “I scheme connected broadcasting from this vessel until nan time I die… and a fewer days aft that.”

Available on: Apple TV

the princess bride_valentine's time movies

The Princess Bride, 1987

Rob Reiner’s VHS masterpiece is fundamentally portion of our corporate ID astatine this point. To Will Smith (who erstwhile famously said you cannot beryllium some sexy and funny astatine nan aforesaid time) I coming to you a young Cary Elwes. Touché.

Standout line: “Death cannot extremity existent love.”

Available on: Disney+

four weddings and a funeral

Four Weddings and a Funeral, 1994

If you haven’t seen this classical by now, past please adhd it to your must-watch list. A young bubbling Hugh Grant and a stunning Andie MacDowell (who conscionable gets amended pinch age) brace up successful this hilariously romanticist comedy. You’ll laugh, cry, cringe, and swoon.

Standout line: “I am, arsenic ever, successful bewildered awe of anyone who tin make this benignant of commitment.”

Available on: Tubi

like h2o for chocolate

Like Water for Chocolate, 1992

There is truthful overmuch affectional hostility successful this movie truthful hole yourself. The beautiful Tita (Lumi Cavazos) is forbidden to wed her existent love, Pedro (Marco Leonardi) since contented dictates (as nan youngest successful nan family) she must attraction for her mother. So, successful a very anguishing twist, he marries her older sister, Rosaura (Yareli Arizmendi) moreover though he still loves Tita. Of course, you tin only ideate nan hostility that ensues arsenic a result. Just watch it and spot what unfolds.

Standout line: “I’m a man of few, but firm, words.”

Available on: Pluto TV

romeo and juliet_valentine's time movies

Romeo & Juliet, 1996

The classical Shakespearean communicative has been adapted galore times but nary of them bring it into a modern discourse rather for illustration Australian director, Baz Luhrmann. The type of nan tragic communicative has Romeo (Leonardo Dicaprio) and Juliet (Claire Danes) surviving successful a post-modern metropolis named Verona Beach wherever nan Capulets and nan Montagues are 2 rival gangs. The brace meet erstwhile Romeo crashes nan Capulet’s lavish masked costume shot (the food vessel segment is iconic!) and nan remainder is history. Not only will you emotion this modern adjustment but you’ll besides emotion nan soundtrack (this Radiohead song is imprinted to memory) and nan costumes (Romeo’s Hawaiian shirt is simply a Halloween favorite).

Standout line: “If emotion beryllium unsmooth pinch you, beryllium unsmooth pinch love. Prick emotion for pricking and you hit emotion down.”

Available on: Apple TV

great expectations_valentine's time movies

Great Expectations, 1998

Another classical that was fixed a modern update is Great Expectations. There person been galore director’s who’ve attempted to amended upon this iconic communicative but this 1 really stands out. Why? Well, first of all, nan protagonists are a young Gwyneth Paltrow and Ethan Hawke. Secondly, nan greenish pinch envy costume colour strategy passim nan movie is legendary (90s Donna Karen, opportunity nary more!). And erstwhile again, you will perceive to this soundtrack connected repetition and adhd it to your favourite albums of each time—we promise!

Standout line: “You aren’t acrophobic of a female who has ne'er seen nan sun since earlier you were born?”

Available on: Max

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